Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Product review: Oz Botanics Major Moisture shampoo and conditioner

Like most teenagers, I seem to suffer with really dry, brittle hair prone to breakage. Admittedly this has probably been worsened by the regular application of heat to my hair as well as back combing/teasing. This caused my hair to break and fall out. Because of this I stopped using heat on my hair, and set about looking for products that would encourage my hair to grow healthily and to improve it's condition. After browsing my local Superdrug, Boots (English drug stores) and other cosmetic shops I finally found Oz Botanics. I found this in my local Poundland, and was a little dubious about purchasing it because I wasn't too sure that it would actually help my hair. But for £1 I thought that it was worth a try.

I purchased the Oz Botanics Major Moisture shampoo and conditioner at £1 each and have used them regularly to the point where they are both empty and need re purchasing. After using these products on my hair a few times, I found that my hair looked a lot more shiny and healthy. My hair also felt a lot smoother and some of the broken/frizzy ends felt a lot better than they previously had. Because my hair is quite dry due to heat damage I found that my hair was a lot more manageable and less brittle/prone to breakage. 

Because of the effect that these products have had on my hair, and the overall improvement that I have noticed, I will definitely be repurchasing these again asap. Obviously these products might not work for everyone, and this is just the effect that I have seen/experienced after using them on my hair. I would highly recommend these products to people with dry or damaged hair because the results I experienced were really positive. Also, they were only £1 each, so even if they don't give the desired effect you could still use them as an everyday shampoo/conditioner duo because they're really cheap and you get a lot of usage out of them.

Keep smiling beautifuls 

Ell x 

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